Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Art(Skateboarding, Music, Zines, Video Games, Going to Shows,)

This is Minor Threat an 80's hardcore band. I remember
I discovered them while talking to my cousin lee on aim.
At this time I had Green Day Dookie album cover as my buddy icon. I don't really quite remember the conversation, but he told me to try Minor Threat out and, so I did and started doing research on them. I discovered they started something called straight edge and this meant a lot to a 13 year old kid who didn't drink, smoke, or do drugs ( still don't do any of this stuff at 20). I also found out they were skateboarders too, so I thought this was great, a band I could finally relate too, a band who were singing songs against smoking, drinking, and doing drugs, and who were also skateboarders.

I also started finding out about 70's and 80's punk bands and 60's, 70's, and 80's old school skateboards and skateboarding. I found out about old hardcore bands like JFA, Agent Orange,
The Faction, MCRAD, Black Flag, Gang Green, Dead Kennedy's, The Boneless Ones, Big Boys, Clay Wheels, Drunk Injuns, Bad Brains, True Sounds of Liberty, and more. It was around this I found a old school board somewhere in my house and started riding it. Before that I was riding somewhat of a modern shaped board. But I remember I use to ride my old school board and my other board every day in the summer in like 100 degree weather, just imaging I was skating a bowl, pool, or anything vert, I just had recently seeing Dogtown and Z Boys, and just wanted to emulate what I saw on the video. I wanted to copy what I saw the ZBoys and girls doing. Ian Mackaye the singer for Minor Threat, Fugazi, and The Evans was in it, so was Henry Rollins singer for Black Flag and Rollings band. So after I got done skating in the heat in Philadelphia on the summer days, I would usually go on my computer and either go find out about bands that I had never heard of and listen to them or go play either Starcraft, Warcraft, or Diablo 2 on Battle.Net I followed this for just about every day of the summer and when school started I did the same. Im currently doing the same 7 years later at 20 years old.

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